Chicago Marriage license, how-to guide

Are you getting married soon? Perhaps you have made inquiries on getting married in Chicago and you would like to find out the things you need. The very first thing that you would need is to get your marriage license. However, the process of getting your marriage license can be overwhelming especially if you do not have a guide to let you know the processes which must be followed. If you are in this situation, then you would surely benefit from our guide as to how you can navigate your way to getting your marriage license in Chicago. You can learn more at the U.S marriage laws website.
An in-depth guide on getting your marriage license in Chicago
Before you take any step in Chicago, you should make sure that you are eligible to get married in Chicago. If you are below the age of 18 but older than 16, you might need to get consent from your parents before marriage. If you are first cousins who have reached the age of 50 and above, you would be allowed to marry. Make sure that you have this at the back of your mind.
Step one
The first step you should take is to visit the clerk’s office in the city. There are about six clerk offices in the city and all of them are open to handling applications of marriage license. Make sure that both you and your partner are present in the office as nothing less would be accepted. Make sure that the application is filled successfully whether filled online or physically
Step two
You should also make sure that the payment of the fees has been completed successfully. In the state of Chicago, the fees which would be paid would be about $60 regardless of where you live in the state. This fee would extend to Cook County. Without payment of the fees, the likelihood of getting your marriage license would be very slim
Step three
The third step would be getting your documentation ready. There are a number of dedications which you would have to take into consideration when you are applying for a marriage license. One of them would be the documents to establish your current age. Some of the documents which would be accepted as genuine would be records of the last census that was conducted, the birth certificate of the couple and the records of naturalization if the couple or one of the partners was an immigrant.
You would need to provide proof of identity. Driver’s license, international passport and other government-issued cards for identity would be accepted as proof of your identity. The key is to make sure that you have a card that has been verified by the authorities as a genuine means of identification. Other documents might also be needed in certain circumstances. For example, if one or both of you have been married previously, you would be required to show proof that the last marriages have ended and that both of you are legally allowed to remarry each other.
Step four
Before the application is submitted, it is important to remember that both of you must be present at the clerk’s office. Without the presence of both of you, the application form would not be accepted or submission. It is also important to remember that you are not allowed to get married until the 24 hours has passed. If you wish to overcome this barrier, then you would have to apply for a judicial waiver to be created on your behalf. It is also important to remember that the time limit which you have to use your marriage license is set at 60 days. The only persons who would be allowed longer periods would be those who are in the military. They would be allowed a total of 180 days to get married after the license has been issued.
Clearly, it is important to make sure that your wedding holds within this timeframe.
So there is your complete guide on how to get your license in no time. The important thing is making sure that all your documents are complete and you make the necessary payments as prescribed by the state. Once these things are done, everything should be fine. Enjoy your wedding!