How surrogacy takes place

If the IVF procedure does not work, a surrogate can always be used. Women who are willing to bear children for childless families can earn money and help childless couples. So, do you want to join this program or try your hand at being a surrogate mother? Then you’ll want to know how surrogacy happens.
We describe the stages a surrogate and her “employers” go through:
- A suitable candidate is chosen from all the applicants.
- The candidate takes all the necessary tests and undergoes a physical examination. All results are communicated to the applicants.
- Fertilization by introducing maternal material into the surrogate’s uterus.
- Pregnancy period.
- Report on how surrogacy happens
Surrogate parents apply to a family planning clinic or a specialized agency. Applicants for the role of a surrogate mother should meet the following requirements: age 18-38, presence of a healthy child of their own, absence of CS, mental or accidental diseases, positive Rh factor.
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When a suitable candidate is found, a contract is concluded with her. This is done to avoid misunderstandings between the parties, to ensure that the child is accurately delivered to the parents, so that they can be taken out of the country if the applicants are foreigners.
How does the second stage of surrogacy take place? After the tests are taken, the menstrual cycles of the biological and surrogate mothers begin to synchronize. This stage is followed by intensive stimulation of the ovaries to produce eggs. The injected medication promotes the maturation of follicles, and when they are ready, the medication is used to trigger ovulation.
After 1.5 days, the egg is released, and at the same time the potential father surrenders sperm. From this material, the strongest and most active sperm are selected.
After sperm collection and fertilization, the eggs are transferred to the surrogate’s empty uterus. Embryos are transferred in quantities of 1-2, the rest are saved for later replanting.
How are the eggs for surrogacy fertilized? Depending on the parents’ indications, one of four methods is chosen:
– IVF, when the sperm makes its own way to the egg;
– ICSI, when the sperm reaches the follicle through grafting;
– ICSI, when the sperm reaches the follicle through inoculation; ICSI, when the sperm reaches the follicle through inoculation;
– PICSI, when a mature sperm that has passed the tests is injected into the egg.
Early pregnancy diagnosis is done two months after the embryo implantation. Blood and hCG tests are taken. An ultrasound scan 21 days after the surrogate’s pregnancy can confirm the pregnancy.
The doctors at the hospital where the embryo transfer took place, or any other gynecologist, monitor the entire pregnancy. Like any other gynecologist, she goes on maternity leave. In general, this stage of surrogacy takes place in the same way as with a normal woman.
Once the pregnancy is over, the baby is under the care of doctors, who then hand him/her over to the parents. All the expenses for examinations, procedures and the management of the pregnancy are borne by the parents.