Is Your Sleeping Position Causing Neck Pain

On your back or on your side is the best sleeping position on the neck. The back is recommended in particular; just make sure you use a pillow that supports the curvature of your neck and a flatter pillow to cushion your head.
When you’re lying on your side, use a higher pillow under your neck to fit your neck with your head. This would ease the pressure on your neck and hold your back straight. The problem with lying on your stomach is that you have to twist your neck to keep your head on its side, adding pressure on your nerves. You should try to retrain yourself to types of sleeping position, use your pillows to coax yourself and support you in a side or back position. When you need to sleep on your back, use a small pillow and to try to keep the angles at a minimum.
You should have a pillow under your spine, which provides relief for all sleep positions for neck pressure, including a rolling towel or a cervical pillow. There is also something called sleeping neck pain. You wake up often with pain in the throat. Injury can cause neuropathic pain by sleeping at a difficult angle, abrupt movement of the head or neck during sleep or neck pressure. Be aware your potential sleep still comes with a good neck restraint pillow in addition to therapies to alleviate this pain in the neck.
Neck Pain & sleeping position- What’s the connection
Information shows that it not only sleeping position but also sleep itself, including neck and shoulder pain, play a part in musculoskeletal pain. In one study, 4,140 stable men and women with and without sleeping disorders compared musculoskeletal discomfort. Sleep disorders included sleeping problems, sleep difficulties, early awakening and non-restorative sleep.
People with mild to extreme issues in at least three of these four groups found that they were slightly more likely than people with low to no sleep problem to experience persistent musculoskeletal pain after one year. One potential reason is that the muscle relaxation and remedy usually happening before sleep is disrupted during sleep. In addition, pain can interfere with sleep, lead to a vicious loop of pain, which disrupts sleep and contributes sleep issues on how to relieve lower back pain while sleeping.
Learn the right sleeping poses to cure neck pain
On your neck or on your shoulders, two sleeping positions are easiest. If you are lying on the back of your bed, pick a rounded pillow that supports the normal neck curve and the pillow is flatter. This can be accomplished by tucking a little roll on your neck into a flatter, smoother pillow or by using a special pillow that has a bonded brace for your neck and an indentation for your head to rest.
- Try to use a feather pillow that easily fits the neck shape.
- A conventional pillow, with a “memory foam” that suits your head and neck contour, is another choice.
- Do not use a pillow too big or too steep.
- Sleep on your side by a higher pillow under your neck than your head. Keep your back straight.